The skater pulled her laces and cried, her face contorted in agony. Her lace had broken, could she start her routine over? The Olympics had been big news that year, and this was the highlight event, Tonya Harding's program. Tonya had her thugs whack Nancy Kerrigan over the knee, in the hope that Nancy would be too injured to compete. That was the word that was everywhere: whack. The plan had backfired, Nancy skated despite her injury and in time the attackers would be caught and prosecuted. The competition had become an event of heightened international interest, and I was watching it from my hospital room. I had been admitted on Friday afternoon to have labor induced. By the time my son was born Sunday morning, I had been in labor for 27 hours. So Saturday was given up to watching the Olympics and trying to stay as comfortable as possible. I had been given an epidural, but it wore off before the hard labor came. As a result I was in a lot of pain and wanted some relief. Every time...
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