
Showing posts from May, 2022

John Malkovich pants


First quilt I made + Ludmilla


Metaphor and Allegory in "Matthew"

  In the book of Matthew Jesus says, "That is why I speak to them in parables; for they look without seeing, and listen without hearing or understanding" (13:13). When a potential convert is "listen"ing without "hearing" they are being passive. In order to truly understand the words of Jesus active engagement is required. The parables provide this opportunity for those who listen to Jesus to figure out what he means when he uses imagery to represent the requirements of following God's word, This oblique approach is echoed when Jesus says "I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things kept secret since the world was made" (13:35). He is promising to be indirect on purpose.  This occurs with the wedding parable and the parable about the laborers and the vineyard, as well as others. With these stories it is up to the reader to make the associations that the imagery suggests and determine in what ways to interpret them. However, on three