
Showing posts from January, 2022
 Legalism in "Job" Job and his friends adopt a legalistic attitude toward their relationship with God, and as a result, God is displeased. God injures Job, not as a consequence of any sin he has committed, but because the Adversary doubts Job's motivation for living a "blamelesss and upright life." (1:8) The Adversary states to God about Job "Have you not hedged him round on every side with your protection, him and his family and all his possesions?" (1:10) The Adversary's argumentia that Job has a good relationship with God because he has not had his faith challenged.  Job leads a good life, and has no reason to be displeased with God. The Adversary claim s that to know Job's true feelings, God must test him, and that Job will fail the test. "But just stretch out your hand and touch all that he has, and see if he will not curse you to your face (1:11). God agrees to test Job, and Job's response is legalistic because he maintains that